Financial Literacy Education

Financial education is essential to help consumers understand how to prevent financially destructive spending habits. Financial education helps consumers make better-informed choices in the marketplace and to save for the future.

AAHC offers Financial Literacy Education on the following subjects:

  • U.S. Banking
  • Credit and Debt
  • Money management
  • Types of home mortgages and how to select the right one
  • Field trip to a local bank: Learn and see the inside of bank operations

AAHC’s financial education programs are intergrated into all of our offered programs such as: Home Savers, IDA/Triple Your Savings, Singles to Married/Married to Merrier, and more programs to come.

To learn more about the programs we offer click here.

Bi-lingual counselors are available in Korean, Mandarin and Vietnamese.

To learn more about financial literacy education click here.


Debt Management

Budget and Spending Plan


Youth Money Management

Financial Fitness for the After School Program